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Face Reading

Face Reading is an ancient Chinese healing form built upon yin and yang and the five elements, and the flow of these energies through the universe. Our true essence, mind, body and soul are simply energy and are changing all the time. A face reading will help you to understand yourself better and will provide you with spiritual guidance, whether for yourself, your business or your relationships.


When Hanna reads your face, she looks at your ears, eyes, nose and mouth.
Each shape and mark has a different meaning—lines, lightness and darkness and even moles reveal a lot
about your past and your future. She will also read the energy of your face and your soul.

During your face reading, Hanna will help you to transform and release old patterns, behaviours and energies that are no longer serving you. Your face will revert to its natural state and lines and marks will dissipate as you heal.


Achieve harmony and balance in your life by understanding the story that is written by you in your features.
Your face is your own treasure map of your past to your future, how you have lived and how you can heal,
to be the most peaceful and beautifully radiant version of yourself.


Hanna studied Face Reading at the Fattima Loreen Institute.


Hanna offers three types of Face Reading and she recommends that you book them in sequence: 

Face Reading 1 – Understanding your soul’s energy and how to use its magic

Face Reading 2 – Healing past traumas and patterns to prepare you for your Golden Path

Face Reading 3 – Recognising your life’s purpose: your Golden Path 

“I booked the Face Reading 1 session with Hanna. It was a lovely experience. Hanna was informative and so lovely. She confirmed a lot of things I assumed about myself and helped me understand things about myself and my body that I didn't have the knowledge to analyze well. She acted like the mirror I didn't know I needed but was looking for all along"

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