On the 25th of January, on Thursday evening do we have the first Full Moon of the year and it will be in the sign of Leo. This Full Moon is also called the Wolf Moon. It's believed the full Wolf Moon got its name because it's when wolves were more likely to be heard howling during the cold January nights.
Let this Leo Full Moon put warmth in your heart so that you can start to feel your joy and passions. Happiness and joy is something we all need more of in our lives, and this Full Moon invites you to connect to your heart and ask yourself what is it that bring you joy and happiness and what is it that are your passions. Leo is connected to the fire in our heart and he wants us to dream big, focus on our passions, and work from the heart. It offers a fun-loving, warming vibration that we can use to infuse our lives with joy and playfulness.
It is a powerful Full Moon that not only will bring us happiness but also change. The Full Moon in Leo forms a square with Jupiter in Taurus, creating friction but also a potent portal for change. Jupiter is the planet of luck and exponential growth. The ego is illuminated by this square and will put light on our relationship and our career. This Full Moon invites you to not only connect with your joy and happiness, but to start clearing and doing away with all that blocks you from receiving joy in your life. Full Moon as you know is the time to let go of the things that are no longer serving you. Ask yourself what it is that you are done with and don’t wish to bring with you on the ride of 2024? Write it down on a paper and make a ritual for yourself by lighting a candle and burn the paper with the things you like to realise, the things that not are bringing you joy.
We should be in for a powerful time, where we embrace our passions, and let go of people or things we aren’t in tune with. The full moon presents a unique chance to bring what we desire into our lives. It’s also an opportunity to identify the areas of improvement in our ongoing projects. The abundance of energy during this time helps us to tackle problems creatively and showcase our skills. With the help of the full moon, we can finish our pending tasks and explore new ways of how to full fill our dreams.
Have a beautiful Full Moon week in Leo!
xoxo Hanna