So you might wonder why it is called the Harvest moon. It is because the moonrise comes soon after the sunset. So it results in a abundance of bright moonlight early in the evening, and that was perfect and helpful for the farmers to harvesting their big summer fields.
This super moon are in the fiery Aries and also we are now in Libra season. So the energy’s we will deal with this week are many. Aries are ruled by Mars and Libra by Venus, so it will be a dance of a masculine and feminine energy. Two step forward and one step back. One energy of action moving forward taking your power back and make your thought, dreams and plans to reality and also a energy of love and a look and feeling of our relationship we have towards ourself and others around us.
Full moons as we know are here to put light on things for us. Things get more clear both in our eye vision and internal emotions. Our emotions will rise and we might feel a lot of fire inside of us, maybe it will be a hard time to sleep during the night and also anger and unpleasant emotions will rise to the surface. Be mindful of your emotions and thought and keep your tongue in your mouth, so what you express and release what you feel in a health way. When the Aires moon burn in the sky, it is good to move, do exercise and dance dance dance, let the energy flow and you will feel better when your emotions rise up.
Soon after this full moon we will have the Eclipse Season that starts. Eclipses are transformative period, and brings changes into our lives. These changes can be external and internal ones too. The energy we will feel during this full moon will be a your guide for the eclipse season, and it prepare us to experience major soul lessons and deep level healing and awakening next month.
For a more deep and personal reading and guidance for your emotions that are rising up during this full moon week, book your moon reading session here. Until next time have a beautiful full moon week.